Join the Balanced Psychonautics


A Self Pased Online Adventure for Balanced Navigation of the Inner Realms, Self-Empowerment and Rapid Evolution.

Discover Playful Tools, Game-World Maps, and Transformative Challenges to Navigate your Inner Landscapes and Reconfigure your Reality.

Ready to turn your mind into a magical playground?

Quest - Ticket: 125 Euro
Bonus: Cosmic Customer Care Package for 230 Euro

Are you ready to transcend the ordinary and embark on a journey that goes beyond a typical online course?

Welcome to your personalized quest for self-discovery, empowerment, and profound personal growth.

This is not just a course—it's an adventure designed to transform your relationship with your mind, body, and spirit.

Embark on a self-paced adventure designed to spark your curiosity, ignite your growth, and empower your journey.

With tools and quests that are as fun as they are transformative, you're about to dive deep into the art of balanced psychonautics.

Equip yourself with brain-changing tools to level up your skills in everyday reality and psychonautic explorations.

Learn a framework for efficient integration of the psychedelic experience and expand your understanding of your inner world.

What You’ll Experience:

Choose Your Own Adventure:

Dive into a dynamic, interactive journey where you pick the quests that tickle your fancy. Each quest is crafted to challenge, inspire, and transform.

Quest Scroll:

Access 8 scrolls (workbooks) filled with different quest-items: exercises, reflection prompts, experiments, meditations, rituals, and challenges. Tailor your journey by choosing the quests that speak to your soul.

Video Transmissions:

Tune into engaging and enlightening audio-visual transmissions that guide you on your quest, delivering wisdom and practical tools straight to your screen

Internal Landscape Maps:

Explore your inner world with game-world maps that reveal the hidden treasures of your consciousness and boost your self-awareness.

Magickal Avatar:

Meet your magickal avatar, a whimsical guide who will light up your path with the colors of magick, providing support and wisdom as you journey through your quests.

Large Call to Action Headline

The Balanced Psychonautics Quest:

Your Adventure Awaits!

Aloha Psychonaut!

Whether you explore your inner cosmos through psycho-spiritual practice, magick, technology, or substances, this Quest will level up your skills and knowledge.

Navigate your inner realms, integrate expansive experiences while staying grounded, and adapt your strategies for the wild times of increasing entropy in the outer realms.

What Makes This Quest Unique?

Choose Your Own Adventure:

Equip yourself with a map and compass for your psychonaut journey. Dive into 8 Modules along the 8 Circuits of Consciousness and the 8 Colors of Magick. It's like a cosmic treasure hunt!

Transformative Tools:

Learn playful yet powerful techniques to rewire your central nervous system and reshape your reality.

8 Circuits of Consciousness Map:

Navigate life with a unique map that integrates the revolutionary model of Dr. Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, and Antero Alli, combined with Peter Carroll's 8 Colors of Chaos Magick.

Framework for Integration:

Master the art of integrating altered state experiences with a quiver full of tools to rewire your nervous system using the window of neuroplasticity.

Chaos Magick:

Dive into the art of Chaos Magick—mindfucking yourself into your desired reality experience!

Community of Explorers:

Join a growing tribe of psychonauts and neuro-spicy edge-dwellers sharing insights and supporting each other.

Cosmic Customer Care:

Receive stellar support from our Cosmic Customer Care Agents—your guiding stars on this epic quest.

And Remember:

To fly higher, keep your feet firm on the ground!

Ready to level up your life and embark on this transformative Quest?

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If you say YES to any of the below this adventure is for you...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Feeling disconnected from your body?

Having a hard time reading body signals?

The Circuit 1 Quest offers remedies for body disconnection and distress.


* Nervous system regulation

* Basic bio-survival needs

* Listening to your body's signals

* Breathwork techniques

* Accessing the Red Magick of "The Warrior"

This part of the Quest will guide you to befriend your body and find safety within it.

Struggling with intense emotions?

Suffering from low self-esteem?

The Circuit 2 Quest provides emotional alchemy tools to reclaim self-sovereignty.


* Befriending your Gremlins
* Emotional investments and boundaries

* Interpreting emotions
* Using e-motions to create change
* Accessing the Yellow Magick of "The Sovereign"

Embrace your emotions, own them, and empower yourself.

Stuck in mind loops and limiting beliefs?

Struggle to make sense of the world?

The Circuit 3 Quest guides you to break free from limiting beliefs and mind traps.


* Cognitive biases

* Paradigm shifts
* Authoring your own story
* Playing with maps and narratives
* Accessing the Orange Magick of "The Mapmaker"

Make your mind your servant, not your master.

Struggling to find "The Others"

Having a hard time with relationships?

The Circuit 4 Quest navigates social games and helps you build intentional communities.


* Social contracts and rules of engagement
* Flirting and mating games
* Authentic Relating and Relationship Anarchy
* Cults, ethical cults, and intentional communities
*Accessing the Green Magick of "The Lover"

Defuse guilt, your personas, and find your tribe.

Struggling with pleasure and play?

Or rather overdoing hedonism?


The Circuit 5 Quest balances work and play and seduces you to lose your mind and come to your senses.


* Awe, wonder, and childlike play
* Flow states and embodiment
* Leisure, pleasure, and wellbeing

* Desire and Ecstasy
* Accessing the Blue Magick of "The Hedonic

Tune in, turn on, and drop out—find joy in the dance of life.

Overwhelmed by the uncertainty?
Up for hacking probabilities?

The Circuit 6 Quest supports metaprogramming and hacking the game of probability.


* Chaos magick and probability engineering
* Neuro-hacking and sigil magick
* Intuition

* Energetic navigation
* Accessing the Purple Magick of "The Neuro-
Hacking Magickian"

Become the metaprogrammer of your reality.

Struggling to integrate mystical experiences?
Not making any sense of the "Downloads"?

The Circuit 7 Quest evolves your mythopoetic language and cosmic understanding.


* Thoughtforms and archetypes
* Unity and interconnectedness
* Mythopoetic languages and cosmic narratives

* Epigenetics and ancestry
* Accessing the Octarine Magick of "The Cosmic

Find your place in the cosmic playfield.

Had a brush with Death and can't quite get back to life?

Feeling like an Alien after your "Ego-Death"?

The Circuit 8 Quest helps you navigate the shocks of impermanence and find intimacy with death.


* Lucid dreaming

* Near-death experiences

* The Dark Night of the Soul

* Metamorphosis
* Accessing the Black Magick of "The Death Guide"

Embrace transformation and become a No-Body.

Ready to embark on this transformative 8-dimensional adventure?

Unlock your Quest!

Embrace your Journey of Transformation

It's not always easy to undergo profound change in life, especially when peak experiences shake up your understanding of reality—but you don't need to do it alone.

This Quest provides you with a framework, a system, navigational tools, and hands-on practices. Plus, Cosmic Customer Care Support is available if you need it.

What's included?

8 Quest Scrolls (PDF Workbooks) :

  • Magick rituals, embodiment practices, mind-hacking challenges, journaling prompts.
  • Each scroll introduces you to the main features of each Circuit, representing different dimensions of human intelligence.
  • Choose from reflection prompts, meditations, challenges, experiments, and rituals to explore and tinker with your nervous system.

9 Handpainted Maps by Captain Mavis:

  • Explore diverse territories of the mind with maps of the 8 Territories of Mind, the 8 Seas, and the 8 Islands of Color Magick.
  • Zoom-in maps for different provinces of the mind to support your inner navigation and intelligence development.
  • Disclaimer: Some maps are still in the workshop.

23 Hours of Video Content

  • Deep dive into consciousness, nervous system, and chaos magick exploration.
  • Each module includes 5 video units introducing each circuit, its functions, and the related Color of Magick.Introduction to the Circuit: development, substances, and triggers.
  • Malfunctions and special features.
  • Increasing system intelligence.
  • Using the Color of Magick to support intelligence growth.
  • Captain Mavis’s favorite quest items.

8 Chaos Magick Avatars:

  • Psychological Model of Magick: Understand magick as the art of mindfucking yourself into your desired reality experience.
  • Anthropomorphic Figures: Engage with abstract concepts by relating to them through humanoid forms of thought.
  • Introduction to 8 Avatars: Meet 8 anthropomorphic Avatars of Color Magick, each representing the qualities and guiding principles of the 8 main aspects of chaos magick as depicted in Peter Carroll's chaos star.
  • Guidance and Support: These Avatars can guide you on your journey of inner evolution and transformation, providing personalized support if you choose to engage with them.
  • Inner Evolution: Use the Avatars to navigate and enhance your transformational journey, tapping into the unique energies and insights they offer.


Access one 1-on-1

Cosmic Customer Care Calls

with Mavis a.k.a Mariana Pinzón

Embark on this Quest solo or with the personalized guidance of Captain Mavis, our Cosmic Customer Care Agent.

Whether you choose to navigate alone or join a community of like-minded explorers, support is always available.

30-Minute Cosmic Customer Care Calls:

  • Space to ask questions
  • Receive guidance and advice for your quest
  • One included in this offer,
  • Upgrade to 5 calls during sign-up

Need more support?

Book a 90-minute 1-on-1 ChaoSurfing Session with Mavis for:

  • Deep reflections
  • Mirroring and alchemizing
  • Ritualizing your transformational journey

  • Available via Zoom or in Berlin

Who Is This Quest For?

Psychedelic Explorers

Explorers of the inner cosmos, wanderers between realms, and all those who like to transcend the frontiers of the known.

If psychedelics* are your starships but you often find yourself ungrounded, this Quest provides maps and compasses to integrate and anchor your experiences, charting balanced journeys through your multidimensional minds.

*Using substances is neither required nor encouraged to take this journey.

Transformation Seekers

For those on the alchemical path of self-transformation, this Quest offers a system and practices to achieve brain change and transformation.

Whether you're navigating life’s chaotic transitions, re-emerging from the ashes after a collapse, seeking a full system reboot, or looking for deeper self-awareness to find your inner gold, this Quest is tailored to your metamorphic aspirations.

Agnostic Magicians

For those who seek meaning in the mysteries while remaining grounded in skepticism, this Quest offers a way to explore magick through a psychological model grounded in nervous system language. Whether you question the nature of reality, explore consciousness without rigid dogma, or strive to integrate spiritual experiences into a coherent and balanced life, the Balanced Psychonautics Quest provides you with the tools and framework.

Find out why this course is for you!

Step into a world where mindfulness, psychedelics, and unconventional spirituality converge to offer you a holistic approach to personal transformation. As an explorer with a thirst for deeper truths, you understand the value of balance, wisdom, and intentional living - and want to learn a model that can support you in every aspect of your growth.

Our Quest is designed to address the unique challenges you face, from integrating intense psychedelic experiences into your daily life all the way to navigating feelings of alienation from societal norms. With practical tools and revolutionary neuro-hacking techniques, you'll gain the confidence to explore altered states of consciousness while remaining grounded in reality.

Join our community of different-minded individuals who share your journey and support you every step of the way. Here we unlock the mysteries of the mind, harness the power of profound experiences, and empower ourselves to create meaningful change in our lives and the world around us.

With this Quest,

you get what you put in

Do the work, get results!

Embodied Understanding:

Grasp the 8 Circuits of Consciousness Model and make it your own.

  • Treasure Box of Tools:

  • Tinker with perception filters and reprogram your nervous systems survival strategies.

  • Integration Framework:

  • Effectively integrate peak experiences and altered states and watch yourself evolve.

  • Chaos Magick Introduction:

  • Learn core tenets of Chaos Magick to level up your game experience.

  • Increased Confidence:

  • Empower yourself to shape your reality.

  • Self-Understanding:

  • Gain deeper insights into your ego configuration.

  • Enhanced Functioning:

  • Operate at a new level in the world.

  • Renewed Balance:

  • Harmonize expansive states of consciousness with everyday navigation.

  • Transformed Outlook:

  • Experience a profound shift in perspective on yourself and life.

Bonus 1:

Cosmic Customer Care Support

  • * Get guidance from our Agent of Change.
  • * One 30-minute call included in the basic
  • * Upgrade to include 5 CCC calls for an additional price.

Bonus 2:

Access to Private Discord Community

* Join the ChaoSurfing Discord server.

* Connect with other explorers and seasoned
consciousness pirates.

Total Worth: €555

The transformation you can gain through taking this Quest is priceless, but marketing is a numbers game.

The total value of what you receive here is easily worth 555 Euros, but ...

Just for this year 2024 and this version of the Quest

we offer you...

The Balanced Psychonautics Quest

for the introductory price of only...


Or Upgrade to the Cosmic Costumer Care Service Package for


Including 5 Cosmic Customer Care Calls!

"An odyssey full of challenges, treasures, dangers, and unexpected events. A magical training in the art of living with chaos and enjoying the waves of change seizing every blow and every encounter as part of my intention.

We are a mystery. A chaos. And the beauty of chaoSurfing is to give the form that our spirit yearns for every step of the way. Knowing that within the chaos it is important to know the course of our heart. And that we are so magical that we can model reality and marvel at that miracle journey. Thank you, Mariana! Oh, my captain! My captain!

- Orland Verdu

See what previous explorers report:

Bettina Semmer

"If you ever wanted to shift some paradigms in your life, this course is probably a good way to start and make some major steps towards your higher goals. It is about structure, chaos and deep transformation.

The 8 circuits – which I had never heard of before – are designed to bring the focus to all areas of human body-mind unit, from the very “primitive” basic needs to the very subtle or transpersonal.

The secret lies in the order: if you have taken care of the bodily requirements, and the emotional, mental and social realms, you will all the more be able to tune in to the realms of magick."

Jamie McGuigan

"Mariana Pinzon has curated the ideas of Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Antero Alli along with her own and others, to form a comprehensive educational course into the 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness.

Are you ready to become a nobody?

The homework is designed to open your perception filters, and focus your attention in a holistic way faster than you can do it solo.

You will be initiated into the art of chaos magick to create your own rituals. Are you ready to explore and experiment with reality?"

Frauke Spannenberg

"I was in uncoupling-struggles [when I joined the course] and I felt extremely supported by the intelligent way Mariana coached me through the most difficult intimate relationship-issue at that moment. Mariana helped me to understand and name my trauma reactions. I felt empowered and generously supported.

Thanks to the 8-Circuit-Brain Journey and the methods that we researched along with it, I was offered to investigate into the perspective, that Chaos has the potential for a more magic and mysterious life.

Who would not want that!"


I boarded the ship scantily understanding what I was up to and woah, that was a delightful voyage.

Highly recommended for any Central Nervous System that clings to a structure to delve into Chaos and knowledge, tools, and practical experience to navigate stormy seas.

Dolley Rae Star

"The framework of the course and its commitments enabled me to dive deeper with the model in a powerful, coherent way, as well as bringing some much needed structure to my life.

The choose your own adventure qualities of the way the course was put together meant I could forge my own journey and explore the aspects I was drawn towards.

It helped me get back into the swing of ritual and mytho-poetic exploration, and to tap back into my own magical power and practice. I left feeling far more tuned into myself than I started."

Moses Cirulis

"This class takes you on a magickal journey through the various aspects of our consciousness and encourages healthy ways to improve mental flexibility, personal resilience, mental focus, and magickal aptitude.

Whether you enter the class believing in magick or not, this class will not leave you unchanged.

You may enter with a pre-existing set of practices or with none, but you will exit with a better understanding of your true will, and the ability to act upon it."


"Buy Mariana’s medicine. Give her your holy fucking Money."

Meet Your Guide:

Captain Mavis

Ahoy, fellow explorers!

I'm Mariana Pinzón, also known as Captain Mavis, your guide on this extraordinary journey.

I thrive on taking unconventional humans and cosmic pirates on deep-dive explorations to the edges of consciousness.

My mission? To empower you to tap into your magick and master the art of surfing the Waves of Chaos with balance and grace.

I’m dedicated to spreading the message of ontological anarchy and assisting in the playful liberation of consciousness.

By gathering edge-dwellers and misfits, I aim to empower you to become agents of change in these wyrd times of epochal transition. The map and compass I teach here have guided me through some of the most irrational, absurd, and chaotic experiences of my life. They've helped me piece myself back together after a full reality collapse. I truly believe these tools can be tremendously useful for those exploring the fringes and transcending the confines of consensus reality.

I'm passionate about sharing this knowledge not just for its transformative power, but also for the humor and wisdom of the wacky sages behind these fringe maps.

Here's a bit about my background:

  • Transformational Coach: Trained with Animas Center of Coaching
  • Academic: Studied Comparative Religion and Philosophy at Heidelberg University
  • Chaos Magick Practitioner: Practicing since 2016
  • Positive Psychology Certified: Holder of a Certificate in Positive Psychology
  • Chaos Witch: Embracing the chaos with a touch of magick

Join me on this quest, and let's navigate the wild seas of consciousness together!

Why Choose This Quest?

1. Unique and Comprehensive Approach:

  • 8 Circuits of Consciousness Model: Learn a proven framework that combines the wisdom of Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Antero Alli, Peter Carroll, and many more. This model is designed to guide you through various dimensions of human intelligence and consciousness.
  • Chaos Magick Integration: Gain practical tools and techniques to harness the power of Chaos Magick, enhancing your ability to navigate and shape your Reality(TM) experience.

2. Personal and Practical Tools:

  • Embodied Learning: Experience hands-on practices, rituals, and exercises that enable you to apply what you learn in real life.
  • Flexible Self-Paced Format: Access the course materials at your own pace, allowing you to integrate the teachings into your life according to your schedule.

3. Expert Guidance and Support:

  • Guided by Captain Mavis: Benefit from the expertise and experience of Mariana Pinzón, a transformational coach, and Chaos Magick practitioner.
  • Cosmic Customer Care: Receive personalized support through 1-on-1 calls and join a vibrant community of fellow explorers on the ChaoSurfing Discord server.

4. Proven Results:

  • Real Success Stories: Read testimonials from participants who have transformed their lives through versions of this quest.
  • Deep Insights and Personal Growth: Achieve a deeper understanding of yourself, enhance your nervous system intelligence, and develop new perspectives on life.

5. Exceptional Value:

  • Comprehensive Course Content: Access 8 Quest Scrolls, 9 handpainted maps, 23 hours of video content, and 8 Chaos Magick Avatars.
  • Introductory Price: Get all these incredible resources and support for just €125, a fraction of the total value of €555.

Here's a Little Sneak Peek

If you have not been through Base Camp and you are not yet sure if this navigational tools might be up your alley, here is your chance to get the free intro videos to this Quest and a taste of the transmission style.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the course?

When you purchase your package you will be taken to an online course platform with all of the modules on. Each module is comprised of videos content and quest scrolls that you can access at your own pace.

What kind of support will I receive during the course?

The course offers access to a resource-rich, community-centered Discord channel with threads and conversations for all different types of support: from practice suggestions to emotional support. You will have opportunities to ask questions, share experiences, and receive guidance throughout your journey here. On top of this with the basic package you have access to ONE 30 minute Cosmic Customer Service Call which is a 1-1 mentoring call with Captain Mavis, a transformational coach and chaos magician. You can buy an upsell that will include then a total of 5 Cosmic Customer Care Calls.

Is this course suitable for someone with a busy schedule?

Yes, the course is designed to be flexible and accommodate different lifestyles. You can progress through the modules at your own pace and the videos are recorded for you to watch at your convenience. The practices and exercises are intended to be integrated into your daily routine, making it manageable even for those with busy schedules. You can choose how long you dedicate to each Circuit and the practices within it and come back to it anytime you feel like digging deeper.

Do I need to have experience with psychedelics to join this course?

No, previous experience with psychedelics is not required. The course is designed for anyone interested in consciousness exploration, whether you're new to these practices or have extensive experience. The focus is on developing a balanced and grounded approach to psychonautics, regardless of your background. Psychonautics explorations can be done with substances, practices, technologies, rituals and your own breath.

Can I book coaching calls as I go along if I don't choose to purchase the cosmic customer care package now?

Yes, you can book in coaching calls with Captain Mavis as you go along and pay-as-you-go with these. To inquire you can email or book a free chemistry call to explore your options.

The coaching sessions are 90 minutes long and different from the Cosmic Customer Care Calls.

Coaching Sessions take you deep into a space of self-discovery and transformation.

Need some extra support?

Normally, for our 1-1 coaching session

with Mariana a.k.a Captain Mavis we charge


But if you book this Quest, you can get 5

90 Minutes Coaching Sessions


Just €555!

if you reach out within 5 weeks of booking this course.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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